Students in Penn College's automotive, collision repair and restoration majors were treated to a colorful recap of recent automotive history – and their role in the industry's next chapter – during a Monday campus visit by an award-winning journalist and lifelong car enthusiast. John M. Clor, who manages a club outreach program for Ford Performance, recounted "55 Years of the Ford Mustang" during a presentation in the Klump Academic Center Auditorium. Clor's lively lecture took the audience through decades of "the most recognized car in the world," contrasting its iconic beauty with that of less-popular competitors. "Anyone can build something for a minute," he said, before sharing a slideshow of ill-advised vehicle designs that failed to similarly grab the public's extended attention. "When you don't have a heritage, you need a gimmick." In addition to celebrating the enduring coolness of the Mustang, as distinguishable in its outline as a Coke bottle, Clor applauded the students for choosing their career paths. "Learning to do something with your hands makes all the difference in the world," he said. "You're the key to the future. Dream big and heritage is yours."