Among the latest additions to the Pennsylvania College of Technology community are new full-time faculty members for the Fall 2019 semester, as provided by the Human Resources Office (all effective Aug. 15).
Madigan Library
School of Construction & Design Technologies
School of Industrial, Computing & Engineering Technologies
School of Nursing & Health Sciences
School of Sciences, Humanities & Visual Communications
Among other new employees:
Madigan Library
- Elizabeth Waugh, librarian, virtual and distance learning initiatives
School of Construction & Design Technologies
- Charles Warren, building construction technology
School of Industrial, Computing & Engineering Technologies
- Matthew Bell, Sean Turnbach and Cody Wolfe, welding
- Alex Marconnet, engineering design technology
School of Nursing & Health Sciences
- Bridget Motel, dental hygiene
School of Sciences, Humanities & Visual Communications
- Andrea Campbell and Eric Nagy, English composition and technical communication
- Jillian Scanlon, early childhood education
Among other new employees:
- Heidi Roupp, full-time Disability Services and Deaf Services Specialist, effective Aug. 12
- Rachel M. Hastings, Dining Services Worker I, effective Aug. 12
Only new college hires and employees transferring from one internal position to another in certain situations are reported.
NewsNursing & Health SciencesBuilding ConstructionDental HygieneEngineering & Industrial Design TechnologyWelding & Metal FabricationDining ServicesFaculty & StaffCommunication & LiteratureConstruction & ArchitectureIndustrial, Computing & Engineering Technologies NewsSchool of Sciences, Humanities & Visual Communications NewsLibrary