Penn College News

Co-workers give of themselves to lift others

Friday, December 7, 2018

Assembling sweet treats for the holiday table are (from left) Phyllis J. Spong, accounts receiving specialist; Susan C. Hartranft, secretary to the School of Transportation & Natural Resources Technologies; and Jennifer A. Cline, writer/magazine editor.Sammie L. Davis, coordinator of diversity and cultural life, ponders the next selection for her gift bag.Making sure their busy year-end schedule included time to help neighbors in need, Penn College employees undertook a Community Outreach Initiative at a local nonprofit.Each and every one a delicious masterpiece!Wildcat baseball coach Chris H. Howard (left) and men's soccer coach Tyler S. Mensch make a predictable choice while toy shopping.More than 20 Penn College employees imbued a staff development opportunity with a meaningful personal touch, touring the American Rescue Workers facility and assisting in a variety of holiday-themed activities. In addition to learning about the many essential services offered to the community, the group helped select and pack donated gifts for hundreds of local children and prepared handmade confections for the shelter's meals. Prior to the visit, the college's Human Resources Office spearheaded a stocking-stuffer collection of personal care items for the agency's residents.
Photos by Mattie L. Pulizzi, human resources specialist: development and compliance; and Katie L. Mackey, director of campus and community engagement