Penn College News

Hugs and home fries: a Finals Week recipe for reprieve

Thursday, December 6, 2018

As Finals Week makes its presence known, peppering students with an exam-filled onslaught of exhaustion, Penn College thoughtfully provides sustenance and sanctuary for the battle against end-of-semester burnout. Among the events that form the cornerstone of the anti-anxiety attack? Dining Services’ 21st Midnight Breakfast − second only to commencement in traditional longevity − on Thursday night, preceded by Wednesday's Madigan Library visit from therapy dogs that live to be loved.

− Photos by Rachel A. Eirmann, student photographer, and Tom Wilson, writer/editor-PCToday

Sharing the warmth

Sharing the warmth

With every stroke and tail wag, a little more stress dissipates.

With every stroke and tail wag, a little more stress dissipates.

Finishing Fall 2018 strong, with help from comforting canines

Finishing Fall 2018 strong, with help from comforting canines


... "Stay hydrated" ...


... "Oh, and stop telling people I ate your homework!"

It's a picture of contentment for Crystal J. Rice, a business management major and part-time graphic design student worker in the library, and friend.

It's a picture of contentment for Crystal J. Rice, a business management major and part-time graphic design student worker in the library, and friend.


... "Get plenty of rest" ...

A serendipitous encounter

A serendipitous encounter

The rule of reciprocity: Dogs bring joy to students, and students feed treats to the dogs.

The rule of reciprocity: Dogs bring joy to students, and students feed treats to the dogs.

Library visitors offer timely tips for Finals Week:

Library visitors offer timely tips for Finals Week: "Pay attention" ...

Karaoke artists command the mic with a rendition of Backstreet Boys'

Karaoke artists command the mic with a rendition of Backstreet Boys' "I Want It That Way," hand gestures and all.

Devin Christian, from Nittany Balloons in State College, adds to a student's chowline ensemble.

Devin Christian, from Nittany Balloons in State College, adds to a student's chowline ensemble.

A table of active student leaders takes a much-deserved break, basking in food and friendship.

A table of active student leaders takes a much-deserved break, basking in food and friendship.

Softball coach Jackie Klahold keeps up with the demand for pancakes: 205 students served in the first 15 minutes alone.

Softball coach Jackie Klahold keeps up with the demand for pancakes: 205 students served in the first 15 minutes alone.

Athletics and Residence Life proved to be able partners for Dining Services. Keeping the parade moving are (from left) Christa Matlack, women's soccer coach; Jamie R. Miller, wrestling coach; Residence Life coordinator Blaise E. Marshall; and baseball coach Chris H. Howard.

Athletics and Residence Life proved to be able partners for Dining Services. Keeping the parade moving are (from left) Christa Matlack, women's soccer coach; Jamie R. Miller, wrestling coach; Residence Life coordinator Blaise E. Marshall; and baseball coach Chris H. Howard.

Among Thursday night's 575 patrons is this well-fed group, representing several majors ... but finding common gastronomical ground.

Among Thursday night's 575 patrons is this well-fed group, representing several majors ... but finding common gastronomical ground.

A group of licensed massage therapists helps to unknot test-tightened muscles outside the dining unit.

A group of licensed massage therapists helps to unknot test-tightened muscles outside the dining unit.

John D. Vandevere, director of athletics, keeps the mood light.

John D. Vandevere, director of athletics, keeps the mood light.

Tables fill up and the line still goes out the Keystone Dining Room doors and down the hall.

Tables fill up and the line still goes out the Keystone Dining Room doors and down the hall.

Stress relief, courtesy of ol' friends Crayola and Nintendo

Stress relief, courtesy of ol' friends Crayola and Nintendo