Penn College News

Concrete students stay on task, rain or shine

Wednesday, September 26, 2018

As Hintz and some of his students provide shelter from the storm, trowel-wielding construction majors smooth the freshly poured and leveled concrete.Reber (in plaid shirt at left) supervises students running a screed board across the new sidewalk.Sticking to the game plan in spite of earlier-than-expected showers, Concrete Construction students made "teamwork" their byword on Wednesday morning. With Centre Concrete's conveyor truck in place south of the Bush Campus Center – and typical hands-on assistance from instructors Franklin H. Reber and Harry W. Hintz Jr. – the classes employed curricular know-how, common sense and a number of tarps to shield the new sidewalks from the elements during and after the pour. Providing opportunities to sharpen classroom skills in practical laboratory settings is a decades-old tradition across Penn College's many disciplines, and this semester's addition of a two-year degree in concrete science has only made that institutional hallmark more enduring.