Penn College News

Child's Dream Matches Penn College's Mission

Thursday, September 13, 2018

A school assignment required 9-year-old Trevin Allen to write about his dream. Rather than being a famous athlete, musician or movie star, the youngster expressed a desire to work as a computer designer in the plastics industry for SEKISUI SPI, which employs his father, Lucas L., a 2001 Penn College graduate in building construction technology. Trevin's "essay" sparked a visit to main campus, where he experienced CAD, the new makerspace and various plastics labs. Trevin's wish for applied technology education – offered by the likes of Penn College – matches the needs of the workforce, which is grappling with a shortage of skilled professionals. Many Penn College students, especially plastics majors, have jobs lined up well before graduation. The college has a 96 percent graduate placement rate. Trevin's word to describe his visit? "Cool!"