Penn College News

Fanciful Signpost Takes Shape Outside CAL

Thursday, August 9, 2018

At Penn College, the end of the road is just the beginning!No detail is spared in the rustic recreation.Sunlight plays off the silky flow of water.Fittingly pointing the way to related instructional space – and cleverly mirroring Penn College's evolution from yesterday to tomorrow – a pondless water feature outside College Avenue Labs affirms that "everything old is new again." A broken-down truck forms the centerpiece of the tableau, created by several departments within General Services and completed Wednesday.

"The idea of the 1949 Dodge came from seeing some old trucks used as landscape markers with seasonal interest in them: flowers in the spring, mums in the fall, evergreen clippings in the winter," said Andrea L. Mull, horticulturist/grounds and motorpool supervisor. "We wanted to make a landmark that would show where the automotive restoration and collision repair labs are. All we have to do now is tell people to go to the building where the old Dodge truck is located!"

A course of 2RC limestone simulates the old road that the vehicle supposedly was traveling as it approached a hill with a load of mountain stone. The engine died ... the truck remained ... and Mother Nature took possession, evidenced by the tree growing up through the bed. The truck was purchased from Bill Lee Jr., of Jersey Shore; the aged lettering was done by Todd Moore, student affairs marketing specialist; and the clear coat (to slow the weathering process) was applied by collision repair instructor Roy H. Klinger.