Penn College News

Penn College Students Say 'Thank You' to Donors

Tuesday, November 28, 2017

November starts the season of thanksgiving, and Pennsylvania College of Technology students across campus recently shared their appreciation for those who make it possible for them to earn "degrees that work."

Student development assistants delivered greetings to employee donors who celebrated birthdays during the month.

“Surprising the staff with a card and a balloon on their birthday was a great experience," pre-nursing major Kacey J. Shatzer said. "I loved to see the look on their faces because it was just that: a surprise! They had no idea and were genuinely grateful for the gesture. It’s the little things we do to show how much we care."

Student development assistant Kacey J. Shatzer (left) hand-delivers birthday wishes to donor Linda M. McFadden, assistant bursar.“Cumulatively, Penn College employees have given more than $2 million in support of Penn College students, so it is only appropriate that we express our genuine thanks to this group," said lead student development assistant Ryan Monteleone, of Stevens.

Baking and pastry arts majors Sarah A. Waclo (left), of York, and Olivia M. Lunger, of Elysburg (also a student development assistant) staff a table ...Student development assistants also hosted a Thank a Donor Week activity in which they encouraged students to sign "Thank you" cards in recognition of all who give their time, expertise, financial gifts, equipment, grants and more to Penn College.

“As a student development assistant, I have a front-row seat to all who support Penn College and help create the opportunities that we have as students," said Zachary J. Kravitz, a construction management student from Berwyn. "It was awesome to see students signing cards, expressing their gratitude and appreciation, for all of our donors during Thank a Donor Week.”

The student leaders used the opportunity to talk about who donors are and what they provide, as well as discussing the benefits of those gifts.

... where grateful students put their appreciation in writing.“We will continue to share the message of gratitude among our peers to increase the understanding that tuition does not pay for everything and that the generosity of alumni, employees, parents, friends and industry partners has a huge impact on this campus and their Penn College experience," added Monteleone, enrolled in information assurance and cyber security.

“Thank a Donor Week is such a great opportunity to tell students about all the amazing ways donors contribute to our learning environments on campus every day. I’m thankful for all students who took the time to sign the 'Thank you' cards, giving donors the attention and appreciation they deserve as they help us all earn 'degrees that work.'”

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