Penn College News

'Happy Holidays' From Penn College's Diverse Pool of Talent

Wednesday, November 22, 2017

Holiday cards created by student organizations and campus offices, sharing their seasonal sentiments with the Penn College community in a variety of creative and thematic ways, were installed Tuesday on the Breuder Advanced Technology & Health Sciences Center lawn. The 39 cards will be lighted − and winners announced in both categories − at 5 p.m. Wednesday, Nov. 29. (The first 30 photos are from student groups, followed by the nine entries from college departments.)

− Photos by Tom Wilson, writer/editor-PCToday

Academic Success Center

Academic Success Center



Circle K

Circle K

Cru – Second place, student organizations

Cru – Second place, student organizations

Diesel Performance Technicians Association

Diesel Performance Technicians Association

Dining Services – Second place, offices and departments

Dining Services – Second place, offices and departments

Financial Operations

Financial Operations

Game Development Club

Game Development Club

Gamers' Guild

Gamers' Guild

Horticulture Club

Horticulture Club

Information Security Association

Information Security Association

League of Legends

League of Legends

Madigan Library – Third place, offices and departments

Madigan Library – Third place, offices and departments

Mail and Document Services – First place, offices and departments

Mail and Document Services – First place, offices and departments

Nursing Department

Nursing Department

Occupational Therapy Assistant Club

Occupational Therapy Assistant Club

Omega Delta Sigma

Omega Delta Sigma

Penn College Archery Team

Penn College Archery Team

Penn College Benefiting THON

Penn College Benefiting THON

Penn College Classic Cruisers

Penn College Classic Cruisers

Penn College Construction Association – Third place, student organizations

Penn College Construction Association – Third place, student organizations

Penn College Motorsports Association – First place, student organizations (tie)

Penn College Motorsports Association – First place, student organizations (tie)

Penn College Music Club

Penn College Music Club

Phi Mu Delta

Phi Mu Delta

Physician Assistant Club

Physician Assistant Club

Sigma Pi

Sigma Pi

Ski and Snowboard Club

Ski and Snowboard Club

Society of Plastics Engineers

Society of Plastics Engineers

Student Society of Surgical Technologists

Student Society of Surgical Technologists

Student Activities Office

Student Activities Office

Student Development Assistants

Student Development Assistants

Student Government Association

Student Government Association

Student Wildcats of Robotic Design

Student Wildcats of Robotic Design

Student Athletic Advisory Council

Student Athletic Advisory Council

U.S. Green Building Council Students

U.S. Green Building Council Students

Veterans Club – First place, student organizations (tie)

Veterans Club – First place, student organizations (tie)

Wildcat Events Board

Wildcat Events Board

Student Nurses' Association

Student Nurses' Association

Penn College Alliance

Penn College Alliance