Penn College News

Getting Up to Speed, Down to Business

Thursday, November 9, 2017

Mark A. Ciavarella, associate professor of business administration/management, talks with students about their business ideas.Ciaveralla shows students how to analyze their competition.Hundreds of area high school students packed into Penn’s Inn on Wednesday to sharpen their entrepreneurial acumen. The students are participating in the Pennsylvania Entrepreneurship Challenge, a project of the World Council on Financial Literacy. At the event, Mark A. Ciavarella, associate professor of business administration/management at Penn College, and Tim Keohane, director of the small business development center at Lock Haven University, took students – who arrived with a business idea – through the steps of developing a business plan, from explaining the need their business will meet, through analyzing the competition, identifying their target market, and estimating their start-up costs and profits. After a three-hour session that alternated large-group instruction with work time, the students returned to their schools with skills to write their business plans and enter the Pennsylvania Entrepreneurship Challenge competition. The event was organized by Carolyn Shirk, vice president of World Council on Financial Literacy.