Penn College News

Year-End Traditions Make It Clear: Finals Week Will Soon Be Here!

Friday, December 2, 2016

Thursday's "Up All Night" events across campus marked the imminent end of another semester at Penn College. A total of 658 hungry scholars were served at the popular Midnight Breakfast in the Keystone Dining Room; and Madigan Library tempered the butterflies with extended hours and a visit between 70-some students and eight very affectionate instructional aides.

– Photos by Grace F. Clark, student photographer,
and Blair E. Mattocks, library support services assistant

Formal dress not required: This quartet of students wore matching PJ's to the KDR!

Formal dress not required: This quartet of students wore matching PJ's to the KDR!

One of the college's longest-running customs, Midnight Breakfast fills the tables and lines the aisles.

One of the college's longest-running customs, Midnight Breakfast fills the tables and lines the aisles.

Masseuses ply their panic-reduction handiwork.

Masseuses ply their panic-reduction handiwork.

Graphic design students Daniel Mendoza, of Red Hook, N.Y., and Sydney O. Powell, of Linden, enjoy late-night refreshment.

Graphic design students Daniel Mendoza, of Red Hook, N.Y., and Sydney O. Powell, of Linden, enjoy late-night refreshment.

Ty J. Hewett, an automotive technology student from York, shows off his pancakes at Midnight Breakfast.

Ty J. Hewett, an automotive technology student from York, shows off his pancakes at Midnight Breakfast.

Baking and pastry arts major Lloyd A. Shope, of Blanchard, received multiple

Baking and pastry arts major Lloyd A. Shope, of Blanchard, received multiple "Encores!" for his singing.

Penn College's hands-on philosophy proves beneficial in a canine study group.

Penn College's hands-on philosophy proves beneficial in a canine study group.

Visiting therapy dogs keep the test anxiety at bay.

Visiting therapy dogs keep the test anxiety at bay.

Students enjoy one of Madigan Library's pet projects.

Students enjoy one of Madigan Library's pet projects.

A crucial caress from one of eight therapy dogs, as crunch time draws closer

A crucial caress from one of eight therapy dogs, as crunch time draws closer

The big-hearted Koda, a superhuggable Leonberger, returns to campus for welcome stress relief.

The big-hearted Koda, a superhuggable Leonberger, returns to campus for welcome stress relief.