Penn College News

Successful Alumna Shares Vision, Visibility With Club Members

Thursday, December 1, 2016

The 2013 alum interacts with IT majors on return to campus.Visiting grad gets a big-screen welcome.Penn College's newly formed Game Development Club recently hosted a visit by Anna Maree Manciet, of Alienware Live, whose Penn College degrees include a 2013 bachelor's in web design and multimedia. She shared interesting stories and knowledge of the responsibilities and technical aspects of being a producer and on-air personality of a popular live-stream channel. Among the topics covered were the technical configuration of hardware and software for a live stream, tips and advice on building and managing an audience, and various methods of charity work that she has had the opportunity to do throughout her career. "We were very excited to have her visit. Many of our guests took a lot of interesting information away from the event," said organization President James C. Temoshenko, of Kane, an information technology sciences-gaming and simulation major. "The club is taking inspiration by planning some live-streaming events of our own in the near future."
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