Penn College News

Area School Counselors Apprised of Forestry Careers at ESC

Monday, October 24, 2016

Erich R. Doebler talks with school counselors about forest technology and student opportunities in the wood-products industry ...... and joins G. Andrew Bartholomay (center), assistant professor of forestry, and Jason Fink (seated in background), executive vice president of the Williamsport/Lycoming Chamber of Commerce, for a classroom discussion.Penn College was the day's final stop for 30 counselors from a number of Lycoming County school districts, recently touring the area to learn about different career opportunities and the skills required for those jobs. Erich R. Doebler, laboratory assistant for forest technology, and faculty helped spread the word during the visit, which was facilitated by the Keystone Wood Products Association and the Williamsport/Lycoming Chamber of Commerce. One of KWPA's major goals is to create partnerships with schools to generate interest in lumber and wood products companies, and the Schneebeli Earth Science Center provided a fitting environment in which to further those educational connections. "It’s an excellent opportunity to show the counselors around the region the types of programs found here at Penn College, primarily forestry," said Doebler, who also serves on the association's board of directors. "KWPA and the Chamber of Commerce were instrumental in helping arrange an event that was very educational."
Photos by Scott Seyler, chair, KWPA board of directors