Penn College News

Campus Drop Box Limits Unwanted Access to Medications

Thursday, October 13, 2016

A medication drop box, designed for year-round disposal of outdated or unneeded pharmaceuticals – both over-the-counter and prescription – has been installed in the lobby area of Penn College Health Services (Room 150, Bush Campus Center). The box was obtained from Lycoming County District Attorney Eric R. Linhardt and the Pennsylvania District Attorneys Association.

A pharmaceutical drop box in Penn College Health Services is a repository for medicine that is expired or no longer needed.Prescription drug abuse continues to be a significant problem in Lycoming County and across the country. One source of pharmaceuticals that can make their way into the wrong hands is the medication that is kept in residents’ medicine cabinets. Prescription drugs are the No. 1 substance of abuse among 12- to 17-year-olds, and a significant source is pills that are not properly secured in the home.

With the installation of the drop box in Health Services, area residents, faculty, staff and students have access to properly discard outdated and unneeded pharmaceuticals. Pills, capsules and patches are accepted at the box; needles and liquids are excluded as allowable items for disposal.

“Penn College Health Services feels that this is just one step toward reducing the amount of prescription drug abuse in the county, and hopes that local residents, faculty, staff and students take full advantage of this program,” said Carl L. Shaner, director. “Along with enforcement, education and effective rehabilitation, this is the only way our community can make positive strides toward addressing this issue.”

Acceptable items include


  • Patches

  • Medications

  • Ointments

Over-the-Counter Medications

  • Vitamins

  • Samples

  • Medications for pets

Penn College has joined JED Campus, a nationwide initiative designed to help colleges promote emotional well-being and mental health programming, reduce substance abuse, and prevent suicide among their students.

"The drug collection program is a direct result of our JED efforts directed at means restriction and environmental safety," noted Kathy W. Zakarian, director of counseling.

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