Penn College News

Arts Center Collaboration Enhances Lycoming College Access

Monday, September 12, 2016

Lycoming College will have expanded access to the Community Arts Center – a wholly owned subsidiary of Pennsylvania College of Technology in downtown Williamsport – to present performing arts, academic and community outreach events.

An agreement reached by the Arts Center and the two colleges allows Lycoming to use the historic 2,100-seat venue (the restored former Capitol Theatre) for events such as band and choral performances, recitals, musicals and music galas, speakers, film series, and related activities.

In addition, the Arts Center may provide internship or job-shadowing opportunities for Lycoming students pursuing careers in performing arts administration, and students may also participate in master classes offered by Arts Center performers. The Arts Center facility, including its Capitol Lounge, may serve as a venue for Lycoming College development and marketing activities. The collaboration also paves the way for Lycoming College and Penn College to jointly sponsor performances and student events. The Arts Center already serves as the site for Penn College commencement ceremonies, and it could be designated as a rain venue for Lycoming’s commencement, among other academic uses.

“The Community Arts Center is delighted with this opportunity that joins three great institutions to better serve the needs of our students and benefit the community at large,” said William J. Martin, chairman of the Arts Center’s Board of Directors.

The leaders of both colleges believe the agreement will help foster more cooperative ventures between their institutions and boost community and regional involvement.

From left, Pennsylvania College of Technology President Davie Jane Gilmour, Lycoming College President Kent C. Trachte and Community Arts Center Board Chairman William J. Martin gather on stage at the Arts Center.“Williamsport is fortunate to have two excellent colleges. We have collaborated for a number of years, and this new agreement takes our relationship to a new level on behalf of our students and the community,” said Penn College President Davie Jane Gilmour. "I am grateful for the vision and leadership that brought us to this new venture.”

“This collaboration not only helps fulfill the stated need for improving campus performing arts facilities – as identified in our campus-wide strategic plan – but also continues the college’s investment in the economy and culture of Williamsport and Lycoming County,” said Lycoming College President Kent C. Trachte. “Further, the collaboration greatly expands our opportunities to offer music performances, student concerts and lectures, and to host formal ceremonies, high school music festivals, film series and alumni events. At the same time, having our students and faculty perform in the CAC enriches the arts culture of our community and brings more of our students, faculty and alumni to the downtown.”

Under the collaboration agreement, the typical Arts Center rental fees will be waived for Lycoming College events and activities, and the institution will be billed only for direct costs associated with equipment, setup and technical support. In return, Lycoming will make a generous contribution annually to the Arts Center for the benefits received.

Trachte (left) and Martin, Gilmour signs an agreement allowing Lycoming College increased access to the Community Arts Center for performing arts, academic and community outreach events.A committee with representation from the Community Arts Center, Lycoming College and Penn College will be established to oversee details of the collaboration, plan activities and events, and address any issues that may arise. It is expected the group will meet on a monthly basis.

Since opening in 1993, the Community Arts Center has hosted acclaimed performers in more than 1,000 productions attended by nearly 1.5 million patrons.

The Arts Center also serves as home to community-based organizations like the Uptown Music Collective, the Williamsport Symphony Orchestra, the Williamsport Community Concert Association, the Collegetown Gallery and local dance recitals.

In addition, the Arts Center has partnered with more than 250 local nonprofits and other organizations, providing fundraising assistance, meeting space, technical support and promotional considerations.