Penn College News

Dog Day (Late) Afternoon

Monday, August 29, 2016

Faculty and staff dog owners helped welcome first-year students during this past week's "RUFF: Are You Feeling Friendly?" event in Rose Street Commons, an annual event organized by Counseling Services.

– Photos by Tia G. La, student photographer

Finnigan, a border collie owned by Anthony J. Pace (right), director of student activities, gets acquainted.

Finnigan, a border collie owned by Anthony J. Pace (right), director of student activities, gets acquainted.

Crissy L. McGinness, director of dining services, and her Goldendoodle named Roscoe

Crissy L. McGinness, director of dining services, and her Goldendoodle named Roscoe

Krysten M. Miller (kneeling), a pre-surgical technology student smooches Molly, owned by Drew R. Potts (left), an instructor of civil engineering technology.

Krysten M. Miller (kneeling), a pre-surgical technology student smooches Molly, owned by Drew R. Potts (left), an instructor of civil engineering technology.

Dining Services Manager Vicki K. Killian, with Bowie (her born-to-be-snuggled Goldendoodle)

Dining Services Manager Vicki K. Killian, with Bowie (her born-to-be-snuggled Goldendoodle)

A student shares a touching moment with Pixel, a bulldog owned by Zack T. Wooding, portal designer/developer.

A student shares a touching moment with Pixel, a bulldog owned by Zack T. Wooding, portal designer/developer.

Shelly Karschner with Bristol and Dover, Australian shepherds

Shelly Karschner with Bristol and Dover, Australian shepherds

The Starkeys: Paul L., vice president for academic affairs/provost; Melissa and English bulldog Maggie

The Starkeys: Paul L., vice president for academic affairs/provost; Melissa and English bulldog Maggie

A friendly face, to be sure

A friendly face, to be sure

Roscoe finds a fan in Marceline Y. Salomon-Debrosse, a residence life coordinator.

Roscoe finds a fan in Marceline Y. Salomon-Debrosse, a residence life coordinator.

Robert C. Karschner Jr., master mechanic for the college motorpool, in a show of affection and obedience

Robert C. Karschner Jr., master mechanic for the college motorpool, in a show of affection and obedience

Curiosity isn't just for cats, ya know! (Meet Lucky, the phenomenally photogenic friend of Bradley M. Webb, assistant dean of industrial, computing and engineering technologies.)

Curiosity isn't just for cats, ya know! (Meet Lucky, the phenomenally photogenic friend of Bradley M. Webb, assistant dean of industrial, computing and engineering technologies.)

Embodying the spirit of the event ...

Embodying the spirit of the event ...

Students soak up collegiate camaraderie – and canine companionship – in the Rose Street Commons courtyard.

Students soak up collegiate camaraderie – and canine companionship – in the Rose Street Commons courtyard.

Awed by a pooch's high-flying agility

Awed by a pooch's high-flying agility

Poetry (and paws) in motion

Poetry (and paws) in motion

What are YOU lookin' at?!??!

What are YOU lookin' at?!??!

... students embrace their home away from home, with a little four-legged help.

... students embrace their home away from home, with a little four-legged help.

Cole E. Gamber, an information technology: network specialist concentration major from Elizabethtown, easily makes a friend.

Cole E. Gamber, an information technology: network specialist concentration major from Elizabethtown, easily makes a friend.