Penn College News

Education Secretary Impressed by Visit to Penn College

Thursday, August 4, 2016

Before enjoying lunch in the Dunham Children’s Learning Center, Rivera shows children the photo he took of them on his cellphone (and shared via Twitter).Rivera and college President Davie Jane Gilmour check out the Centennial art installation, “Student Bodies,” during a leisurely stroll on the campus mall. In the college’s welding labs, David R. Cotner, dean of industrial, computing and engineering technologies, discusses the discipline’s career opportunities.During a roundtable discussion, area educational representatives share insights. The president and secretary discuss Penn College's collaborative efforts with Lycoming College and area school districts.State Education Secretary Pedro A. Rivera visited main campus on Thursday, touring the Dunham Children's Learning Center and Penn College's welding labs before joining area education luminaries for a panel discussion about "Schools That Teach." The former superintendent of the School District of Lancaster later tweeted his favorable review of his afternoon:  "Great visit @PennCollege. Engaging & dedicated faculty and staff. Smiling faces & creative projects. Impressive!"