Penn College News

Daylong Agenda Helps Prepare Part-Time Faculty for Year Ahead

Monday, August 1, 2016

Mallory L. Weymer, coordinator of student health and wellness education/suicide prevention specialist, co-presents a session on bystander intervention.William E. Ebersole helps his audience simulate a response to an event that no one wants to confront in real life.Tom Gregory provides a primer in "Being a Great Teacher: The Positive Side of Student Course Evaluations."An Adjunct Professional Development Day was held on campus Saturday, schooling part-time Penn College faculty on a variety of topics as they near the start of the 2016-17 academic year. Keynote speakers for the event were William E. Ebersole, an FBI special agent and part-time accounting instructor, and Penn College Police Chief Chris E. Miller, who discussed, "Active Shooters – Before They Strike – Prevention and Preparation." Additional subjects broached by faculty and staff in Madigan Library and the Bush Campus Center included media in the classroom; creation of accessible documents using Microsoft Word, Excel and PowerPoint; the privacy of student records; and academic dishonesty. The day's program was organized by Tom Gregory, associate vice president for instruction, and the college's Professional Development Office.
Photos by Tina R. Strayer, on-boarding/professional development manager