Penn College News

No Escape From Heat ... but No Shortage of Summer Fun, Either

Monday, July 25, 2016

S'mores bake in the July sun.The abbreviated cooking time leaves scant opportunity for sand volleyball ...... and a hastened call to the snack table!Mother Nature turned up the temperature for the seventh and final week of Camp ESCAPE, Penn College's summer getaway that has featured a mix of indoor/outdoor fun along with field trips and other activities for the past two months. On Monday, with 90-degree readings and humidity to match, the youngsters made s'mores in foil-lined "ovens" crafted from pizza boxes. "We played a quick game of large sand volleyball while they cooked," said Jeremy R. Bottorf, coordinator of intramural sports/campus recreation (who also provided the photos). "Which, needless to say, didn't take too long!"