Penn College News

The 'Secret' is Out on Community-Minded Co-Workers

Friday, July 8, 2016

Entering the bonsai area of Carl and Jessica Bower's gardenAll aboard the garden train!An espalier cherry dogwood, among the eye-catching features in the Bowers' gardenGrapes wind their way along a pergola.A vegetable garden, rain barrel and pizza oven add to backyard haven.Several Penn College employees recently helped Williamsport celebrate its sesquicentennial, opening their backyard for a benefit tour or otherwise lending their professional perspective. The home of horticulture instructor Carl J. Bower Jr. and Jessica L. Bower, simulation laboratory coordinator for nursing education, was among a series of nine "Secret Gardens" on display all across town. About 85 tickets were sold for the tour, which raised money for restoration of Way's Garden, at Maynard and West Fourth streets. The community centerpiece, also among the attractions, offered a number of speakers and activities for children – including "A Bug's Life," a presentation by Erich R. Doebler, laboratory assistant for forest technology. Bower frequently takes horticulture students to Way's Garden for planting, raking, weeding and other maintenance in conjunction with Bob Esposito, president of the Way’s Garden Commission.
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