Penn College News

Longtime Record of Service Typifies Penn College Employees

Thursday, May 26, 2016

A number of employees at Pennsylvania College of Technology are reaching service milestones in 2015-16, including one attaining the 40-year mark. Penn College employees marking additional milestones of a quarter century or more include: 35 years, four; 30 years, 13; and 25 years, five.

“These dedicated employees are committed to ensuring Penn College remains true to its unique mission,” said President Davie Jane Gilmour. “We are grateful for their service to the institution.”

Linda M. McFadden, assistant bursar, who joined the college in 1976, is observing her 40th year of employment in 2016.

Employees reaching the 35-year milestone during 2015-16 are: Denny L. Dunkleberger, registrar; Perry R. Gotschal, assistant professor of electronics; Elaine J. Lambert, special assistant to the president for creative development and public relations; and Mary Ann R. Lampman, associate professor of reading.

Attaining 30 years of service are: Clint K. Ault, custodian (third shift); Dennis L. Correll, associate dean for financial aid and admissions; Carol A. Dudek, dining services worker I; Kay E. Dunkleberger, director of disability services; Karl E. Markowicz, instructor of electronics; Thomas J. Mulfinger, associate professor of building construction technology; Barbara J. Natell, director of occupational therapy assistant; Lynn L. Turney, instructor of machine tool technology/automated manufacturing; Calvetta A. Walker, assistant professor of reading; Sharon K. Waters, associate dean of health sciences; Jeff B. Weaver, associate professor of electronics; Sharon M. Weiler, general services assistant I; and Keith M. Whitesel, instructor of electrical technologies/occupations.

Employees reaching the 25-year mark in 2015-16 are: Eric K. Albert, associate professor of machine tool technology/automated manufacturing; Lisa M. Dincher, operations manager, The College Store; Tom F. Gregory, associate vice president for instruction; Jane E. Oehme, associate professor of psychiatric/medical-surgical nursing; and Thomas F. Speicher, writer/video editor.

In addition to the 25-year-or-longer employees, there were 19 reaching 20 years of service, 26 attaining 15 years, and 42 marking 10 years with the college in 2015-16.

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