Penn College News

Between Classes, Faculty Turn Focus to More Effective Teaching Practices

Monday, May 23, 2016

Keynoter Kyle D. Bowen delivers the opening session: "New Ideas for New Learning Experiences."Tom Gregory discusses assessment and accreditation.In "Proving the Power of Doing," presenter Kyle Peck explores techniques for meaningful measurement of accomplishment.The Summer Teaching Institute, a day and a half of professional development, recently offered faculty the opportunity to gain new information, improve skills and associate with colleagues in the relaxed atmosphere of the Schneebeli Earth Science Center. Among the topics at this year’s end-of-semester event were tools for student assessment, selection of general-education electives for advisees, staying apprised of workforce trends, creative and collaborative "makerspaces," and teaching with technology. Guest speakers were Kyle D. Bowen, director of education technology services at Penn State; Kyle L. Peck, a research fellow, professor of education and co-director of Penn State's Department of Learning and Performance Systems; and Gary R. Hafer, professor of English at Lycoming College. The institute was overseen by Tom Gregory, associate vice president for instruction, and the Professional Development Office.
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