Penn College News

Students, Employees Rewarded for Dedication to Personal Fitness

Friday, May 6, 2016

Winners of the Resolutions Fitness Challenge receive congratulations and prizes from Domenick S. Schiraldi-Irrera (left), fitness center assistant. From left are students Katelyn A. Wertz, a dental hygiene: health policy and administration concentration major from Bernville, and Bryan M. Behm, an aviation maintenance technology student from Fleetwood; Beverly A. Hunsberger, who recently retired as a college transition specialist; and Paul R. Watson, dean of academic services and college transitions.Success in the CC Cycling Challenge is marked (from left) by first-place winner Ryan D. Zimmerman, a nursing student from Williamsport; second-place finisher Tobey M. Robison, senior financial systems analyst; and Schiraldi-Irrera. The third-place contestant, Kathryn V. Payton, a pre-dental hygiene major from Howard, is not pictured.Throughout the spring semester, Penn College students and employees competed at the Fitness Center to win prizes and reach their personal fitness goals. In one competition, The Resolutions Fitness Challenge, participants tracked their exercise progress for 12 weeks as an accountable incentive to stick to their New Year's resolutions. Four first-place prizes were awarded across categories for male/female students and male/female employees. "This particular competition was a great way to motivate members to get to the gym and exercise," explained Domenick S. Schiraldi-Irrera, fitness center assistant, "as the playing field is leveled with points being accumulated on overall time spent exercising." Another competition, The CC Cycling Challenge, was offered during the second half of the semester for members who enjoy indoor cycling.  Participants tracked the distance they "traveled" on the stationary bikes at the Fitness Center over four weeks to see who could bike the farthest. Prizes were awarded for first, second and third places. For more information on future competitions, stop by the Fitness Center (Bush Campus Center, second floor). Congratulations to all of the winners on their hard work and dedication!