Penn College News

Students Share Website Designs With Nonprofit Clients

Wednesday, May 4, 2016

Clayton K. Lose, of Waterville, laughs along with the audience at an old photo of himself participating in the Smoked Country Jam Bluegrass Festival for which he created a website.Rebecca L. Workman, of Valencia, created a new website for Road Radio USA, an organization offering secondary schools free safety assemblies designed to prevent underage drinking and distracted driving. The attentive audience is filled with fellow students, clients, faculty (including Denise S. Leete near center) and administrators. Trevor I. Brandt, of Cashtown, showcases the mobile-friendly nature of his new design for Pennsylvania Court Appointed Special Advocates. Although enrolled in the Web and Multimedia Senior Capstone, Brandt will earn his degree in applied technology studies.Michael Bender, of Footprints of Montgomery, a food bank serving the Montgomery community, discusses the design created for his nonprofit by Timothy W. Duncan, of Lakeville (seated behind him). Students in the Web and Multimedia Senior Capstone course of the web and interactive media major presented their projects at a gathering in Penn’s Inn on Wednesday morning. The students completed 12 web development projects for nonprofit clients in Williamsport and surrounding communities. Several of the clients attended the senior capstone presentations, as well. The course is taught by Denise S. Leete, associate professor of web and interactive media.