Penn College News

'Kite Day' Takes Children on Literary Flight of Fancy

Wednesday, April 6, 2016

Who says kids have short attention spans?Hillebrand interacts with CLC youngsters during a fun-filled hour.Valerie L. Fessler, director of annual giving, and her daughter, Alice, share the magic of storytelling.Getting involved at an early age!Siblings Colton and Kaylee Styers with the tale of Mole and Bear, who make a kite and find themselves on a windy-day adventure.Author and illustrator Will Hillebrand visited Penn College's Dunham Children's Learning Center on Friday, part of this year's "One Book, Every Young Child" initiative to encourage preschool development of literacy development in preschoolers. The center's children, joined by families and early childhood education students at the college, each received a copy of "Kite Day." The local visit was arranged through James V. Brown Library; "One Book, Every Young Child" is made possible through a collaboration of the Pennsylvania Department of Education, Pennsylvania Department of Human Services, Children’s Museum of Pittsburgh, Please Touch Museum, State Museum of Pennsylvania, Pennsylvania Library Association, Pennsylvania Center for the Book, Pennsylvania’s Promise for Children, Pennsylvania Association for the Education of Young Children and The Pennsylvania Child Care Association. This project is made possible by a grant from the Institute of Museum and Library Services as administered through the DoE's Office of Commonwealth Libraries.
Photos by Tia G. La, student photographer