Penn College News

Automotive LLC Gets Weekend Workout

Tuesday, April 5, 2016

At play on a Sunday study breakLiving, learning ... and friendly competition.The Automotive Living-Learning Community students and friends got together Sunday for a friendly (but competitive) session of dodgeball in Penn College's Field House. The students seemed to be having a good time and they were laughing and joking with each other," said Eric D. Pruden, automotive instructor and faculty liaison for the LLC. "A lot of energy was expended and those that I saw today told me that they were sore from all the throwing and slept well last night after all that running around." Participating students were Christianna L. Andryski, David L. Bierly, Carlos A. Cadenas, Allison N. Carr, Daniel W. DeShong, Mark J. Dumais, Josiah S. Fegley, Brittany A. Frey, Genevieve M. Kelly, Raymond W. Pennachio, Hunter P. Richards, Preston T. Rose, Eric M. Santiago, Troy A. Stair, James T. Wade and Jonathan L. Zechman.
Photos by Eric D. Pruden