Penn College News

Scores of Interested Applicants Answer On-Campus Google Search

Friday, April 1, 2016

Job-hunters crowd into Penn's Inn on Thursday afternoon.Jessica Daluz, university programs specialist at Google ...... describes "Googleyness" and other attributes of desirable candidates ...... and talks with Bahram Golshan, associate professor of computer information technology.A student pays close attention to his potential future.A standing-room-only crowd poured into Penn's Inn on Thursday afternoon for Google's first recruitment trip to campus. Emblematic of Penn College's "degrees that work" and the international pedigree of employers seeking to hire the institution's graduates, Google talked to students and alumni about full-time and internship opportunities in information technology and in electronics and computer engineering technology. After a general overview on the second floor of the Bush Campus Center, the discussion continued downstairs with a Q&A session.
Photos by Tia G. La, student photographer