Penn College News

Kacie L. Weaver Named Penn College ‘Student of the Month’

Thursday, March 31, 2016

Kacie L. Weaver, an applied human services student from Harrisburg, has been chosen as the March "Student of the Month" at Pennsylvania College of Technology.

“Kacie is one of those people you meet in life and you’re immediately captivated by her aura of care. She’s the kind of person this world needs more of,” her nominator wrote. “From friends, family to complete strangers, Kacie is always there for support, encouragement or just a simple remark to make you laugh.”

Kacie L. WeaverThe nominator went on to note Weaver’s cross-campus array of activities – from Residence Life to student organizations to academics – a concertedly fine use of her time at college. This month’s honoree has been involved with Minorities Lending Knowledge (in leadership roles including two terms as president), College Women of Williamsport, the Blue Crew, College Judicial Council and the Connections orientation program.

She has served as a Resident Assistant in on-campus housing and as a Field House assistant, and is interning with the Lycoming County Juvenile Probation Office this semester.

“There’s not a part of Penn College that Kacie hasn’t been involved in and given it her all,” the nominator continued. “You best believe if Kacie says she’ll do something, it’ll be done … and done with passion. She has made a positive impact on so many lives here on campus – and it won’t end there. She graduates in May and is going to make positive impacts and change the lives of so many, wherever she ends up.”

Student of the Month recognition is bestowed by the college’s Student Government Association numerous times each academic year based on nominees’ commitment, service, role-model behavior, academics, leadership and campus involvement.

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