Student Nurses Holding Canned-Food Drive for Local Charity
Tuesday, March 29, 2016
Penn College's Student Nurses' Association is holding a food drive for the local St. Anthony's Center, aiming to collect at least 500 canned items by Thursday. Dianne M. Eberle, assistant professor of nursing, will donate $100 to St. Anthony's if the group reaches its goal, money that would be used to purchase more food items. Items can be dropped off at the nursing lab in the Breuder Advanced Technology & Health Sciences Center, Madigan Library or at College Health Services in the Bush Campus Center. Carl L. Shaner, director of College Health Services, said 405 items were collected as of midday Tuesday. "I strongly encourage you to participate in this event," said SNA Secretary Chad R. Guiswite, a nursing student from Loganton. Items needed are: any canned goods (fruits and vegetables), spaghetti sauces, noodles, vegetable oil, sugar packets, chicken broth, chicken or ham base (thick liquid that makes soup broth), ketchup and mayonnaise.