Penn College News

Forestry Club Shows AND Tells at Tuesday Event

Wednesday, March 16, 2016

James C. Synol, a building automation technology major from Bloomingdale, N.J., sends wood chips flying.Students talk with club members.Anthony A. Hampton, of Clearfield, a forest technology student, preps a log for chopping.Cooperatively wielding a saw are Synol (left) and forest technology classmate Taylor C. Moyer, of Boyertown.Gathered for a team photo are (from left) Moyer; Harley R. Heichel, a forest technology student from Wellsboro; Hampton and Synol.Members of the Penn College Woodsmen's Team put on a number of demonstrations outside the Bush Campus Center from noon-2 p.m. Tuesday, sharing their considerable skills with the college community and previewing next month's Timber Fest. Want to know more about the team or how to join? Email the Forestry Club! The team is always looking for new members, and students do not have to be enrolled in a related major to participate. The Timber Fest will be held from 8 a.m.-4 p.m. Saturday, April 9, at the Schneebeli Earth Science Center and will include a mid-Atlantic competition, displays of crafts and products made from Pennsylvania timber, and forest industry equipment and demos.
Photos by Caleb G. Schirmer, student photographer