Penn College News

International Guests Assess College's Role in Gas Industry

Thursday, February 25, 2016

Visitors from China listen to Daniel R. Mendell, ShaleNET U.S. consultant/instructor ......and gather with their Penn College hosts in the lobby of the BWD.A delegation from China visited Penn College on Wednesday, beginning with a presentation about the programs – credit and noncredit – that help feed the natural gas industry. Representing the Petrochina Huabei Oilfield Co., Huangding Energy Services and Henen Polytech University, the 12-member group toured the wellsite training facility and mechatronics lab in the Center for Business & Workforce Development, and the machining and welding labs in the School of Industrial & Engineering Technologies. The contingent also met for several hours with Thomas B. Murphy, extension educator and co-director of the Penn State Marcellus Center for Outreach and Research. Following lunch at Lycoming College, the group explored instructional space at the Schneebeli Earth Science Center and the wellfield simulation at the Energy Technology Education Center.
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