Penn College News

Student Shoveler Shies From Limelight, but Not From Heavy Lifting

Monday, February 22, 2016

Saluting a helpful neighborAs Tuesday's two-hour weather delay turned into an all-out closing of Penn College, students and employees joined other area residents in cleaning up the sloppy mix of overnight snow and persistent morning rain. Among those pitching in was Shawn A. Mayberry, a construction management major from Clarksburg, Maryland, who was photographed while clearing the parking lot outside his Riverside Drive apartment in South Williamsport. "You hear so much bad all the time," fellow tenant William L. McGill said in sharing the photo on his Facebook page. "How about what good guys like this do ... and won't take anything for doing it?" As of midday Monday, the post has been shared by more than 3,900 people and has drawn positive commentary (including employers impressed with the student's work ethic) ... a fact unknown to the shovel-wielding Samaritan until he was told about it by someone in the Capitol Eatery over the weekend. "It's really cool that it blew up like that, but I didn't do it for the credit," Mayberry said, explaining that his local helpfulness is just an extension of what he does for neighbors and family back home. "I do things just to help people; I was going to be out there, anyway."