Penn College News

Record-Setting Participation Marks 'Help Wanted' Event

Friday, February 5, 2016

A Weis Markets human resources supervisor talks with Stephen K. Lauman, an applied management major from Gilbertsville.Students shop for internships and other opportunities with more than 90 employers.The Cru crew hands out cotton candy to fairgoers.Representatives of student organizations field questions from potential members.Jane C. Mertes, of Williamsport, majoring in landscape/horticulture technology: plant production emphasis, visits the United Campus Ministry table.A record-breaking 64 employers offering 400-plus job and internship opportunities recruited students from all six of Penn College’s academic schools during the Help Wanted Job Fair this past week. “It was one of our best-attended, both in terms of employers and students,” said Dana R. Suter, coordinator of part-time student employment and career programming. “The focus of this event, compared to the Part-Time Job Fair held in September, is to assist students in securing their summer internships or to find a full-time seasonal job in their major. By attending, this allows employers to get in front of our students looking for such opportunities before the March 15 Career Fair. This Job Fair, although only 4 years young, continues to grow and speaks volumes to how in demand our students are.” Employers were based in Penn's Inn on the second floor of the Bush Campus Center while, on the ground floor, more than 25 student organizations – the highest attendance ever for the spring event, according to Student Activities' Anthony J. Pace – welcomed those interested in learning more about the groups' goals.
Photos by Caleb G. Schirmer, student photographer