Penn College News

College Store Kicks Off Exhibition of Instructors' Artwork

Friday, January 29, 2016

Instructor's stained glass displayed in store windowA collection of faculty member Keith M. Whitesel’s stained glass is on display in The College Store during February, the first in a series of mini-galleries featuring artists who teach noncredit classes at Penn College. An instructor of electrical technology/occupations in the School of Industrial, Computing & Engineering Technologies, Whitesel is teaching Stained Glass for Beginners through Workforce Development & Continuing Education starting Feb. 22. A second class, Stained Glass: Level II, will begin April 11. Stop by The College Store to see his beautiful works of art as they glimmer in the sun – and revisit throughout the year as other media (photography, jewelry, etc.) are exhibited. (The pieces of art are not for sale.)