Penn College News

FBLA Students Return for Annual Leadership Conference

Thursday, January 7, 2016

Keynote speaker Michael Turlis, executive director of the Ronald McDonald House of Danville, talks with students. Ronald McDonald House Charities was selected as the Pennsylvania FBLA state project for 2015-16.Brian D. Walton, assistant dean of business and hospitality, imparts his expertise to the business-minded group.Joseph J. Balduino, director of admissions, greets the throng of high schoolers in the college’s Field House.Student FBLA leaders lead more than 650 of their high school counterparts in the organization’s pledge.More than 650 students from 18 area high schools attended the Future Business Leaders of America Region 7 Leadership Conference on Wednesday. During the event, which was hosted by Penn College’s School of Business & Hospitality, the students competed in such categories as publication design, public speaking, business ethics, impromptu speaking and job interview. Among judges were faculty and staff from across the college. Top place-winners in each competition earned a trip to the state FBLA conference in April. Students also attended a selection of nine workshops, including such topics as leadership, stress management and mastering the interview.
Photos by Anna J. Cooper, marketing and communications specialist, School of Business & Hospitality