Penn College News

And to Top It All Off ...

Wednesday, December 9, 2015

Students pour the mortar that will adhere the concrete tabletop to its stone base.Luse reacts to the class's "level" of craftsmanship.Hintz lays down a bead of caulk between the halves.Who needs a lift truck with a team of students to do the heavy toting?An impressive community project is celebrated with a photo op.The finishing touches on two stand-up patio tables incorporating material salvaged from the original Williamsport Hospital building - including the 1890 date stones and a portion of decorative terra cotta - were completed Wednesday by students and faculty from Penn College's School of Construction & Design Technologies. Begun in August by students in the Masonry Principles courses, the tables were topped by two polished slabs fabricated with the help of the Concrete Construction class and attractively flecked with multicolored glass. The tables are companion pieces to another college contribution: a 600-pound welded baseball glove at the front entrance to the Hospitality Inn at Williamsport Regional Medical Center. The students were joined on-site by Glenn R. Luse, masonry instructor; Harry W. Hintz Jr., instructor of construction technology; and Marc E. Bridgens, dean of the school. Also involved in the project was Franklin H. Reber, instructor of construction technology.