Penn College News

President Apt Choice for Conference Lineup

Friday, October 23, 2015

President Davie Jane Gilmour is joined at the NACA conference by student attendees Brittany R. Terpstra, Wildcat Events Board president, and Kashiki E. Harrison, the organization's co-events coordinator.Penn College's president spoke Friday morning at the National Association for Campus Activities' Mid-Atlantic Conference underway in Buffalo, New York. During a morning educational session, Davie Jane Gilmour discussed "Leadership: Values, Vision, Voice" with an audience of students and campus-life professionals. Representatives of the college's Wildcat Events Board attend the regional conference each fall; this year's theme is "A League of Our Own," making the president – who also serves as chair of the Little League International Board of Directors – an especially appropriate selection as featured speaker.
Photo by Allison A. Bressler, assistant director of student activities for programming and Greek life (and WEB adviser)