Penn College News

Students Read Body Language of Artists' Inner Vision

Wednesday, October 21, 2015

From the radiography lab to the art gallery, students enjoy an inspired view of inner workings. From left: Nicole L. Brungard, Conor D. Flynn, Danielle J. Shindledecker and Taylor E. Hoffman. Exploring the heart of the matterStudent gallery assistant Ainsley R. Bennett (appropriately gloved for the task) offers the students a glimpse of the original X-ray on the back of one of the abstract pieces. Shindledecker inspects an artistic interpretation of a cranial scan. A full-bodied look at radiography rock stars! From left are Flynn, Hoffman, Brungard and Shindledecker.“We see X-rays all the time, but I never thought someone would take one and make art out of it,” said Danielle J. Shindledecker on a Tuesday visit to The Gallery at Penn College. The Fairfield resident was joined by three other students enrolled in applied health studies: radiography concentration on an outing to see “A View Within,” an exhibit blending medical technology and fiber art. Nicole L. Brungard, of Jersey Shore; Conor D. Flynn, Williamsport; and Taylor E. Hoffman, Marietta, also took in the artistic interpretations of body images captured by CT scans, MRIs, X-rays and ultrasounds. The two-person show offers realistic and abstract translations of the same body images, and the students said they enjoyed seeing the different perspectives of the artists’ visions. "This exhibit is entitled 'A View Within.' which is a perfect fit with our upcoming Radiologic Technology Week (Nov. 8-14) theme of 'Discovering the Inside Story,'" said Karen L. Plankenhorn, interim clinical director for radiography. The exhibit runs through Nov. 1 on the third floor of Madigan Library.