Penn College News

'Assessment Academy' Helps Faculty Measure Student Progress

Friday, October 16, 2015

Tom Gregory and Juan Zhou share the profile of a "typical" Penn College student, using institutional and external data – and interactive polling to gauge their audience perceptions.Craig A. Miller provides a faculty primer in developing assessments around existing activities and assignments.A daylong Assessment Academy was held in Penn's Inn on Thursday, bolstering faculty understanding of learning outcomes and reviewing the available tools for ascertaining student engagement and performance. Part of Penn College's Quality Through Assessment process, the professional development opportunity included five sessions on topics ranging from metacognition – "the thinking about thinking" – course-review requirements and the link between writing and students' critical-thinking skills. Presenters were Tom Gregory, associate vice president for instruction; Juan Zhou, outcomes assessment specialist in the Assessment, Research and Planning Office; Craig A. Miller, assistant professor of history/political science; Kelly B. Butzler, associate professor of chemistry; Mary Jo Saxe, associate professor of dental hygiene; Mallory L. Weymer, the ARP Office's project/communication coordinator; and Joe Loehr, associate professor of mass media communications/English composition.