Penn College News

Horticulture Club Enriches VFW Post Near Main Campus

Wednesday, October 14, 2015

Members of the student organization install plants at the VFW post.Beautifying Post 844 are (front row, from left) Bower; Seth W. Strickland, Telford; Matthew D. Schaeffer, Oley; Justin M. Rinehimer, Mountain Top; Tiffany E. Griffie, Newville; Todd A. Grace, Alburtis; and Ryan Rousseau, Pipersville; and (back row, from left) Zachary M. Meling, Hawley; Robert A. Burger, Millersburg; Edward T. Sanders III and Christopher J. Kent, Bloomsburg; and Elliot C. Redding, Aspers. Not pictured is Kyle M. Richardson, Hopewell, N.J., who left before the photo was taken. Kent is a landscape/horticulture technology: plant production emphasis student; the rest are enrolled in the major's landscape emphasis.Spreading mulch for a professional, well-tended lookPenn College's Horticulture Club performed a community service project at Howard W. Kahler Post 844, Veterans of Foreign Wars, on Tuesday. The post supplied the plants and mulch, and a dozen club members ā€“ accompanied by horticulture instructor Carl J. Bower Jr. ā€“ did the rest. "Once again, Iā€™m proud of our students for taking the time to share their talents," Bower said. "The VFW building needed a facelift and this did it. Hopefully, this can instill in students the importance of what we do and how it can make such a difference in the community." The post is at 1260 W. Third St., near the western end of the college's main campus.
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