Penn College News

Women's Group, College Police Hold Self-Defense Clinic

Monday, October 5, 2015

Officer Farr demonstrates effective self-defense.Attendees watch a video in the Bush Campus Center.Keeping the mood light while learning a serious lesson are (from left) student leaders Jessica R. Wiegand, Kacie L. Weaver and Chesnya I. Cherulus.Participants practice the techniques they've learned.The College Women of Williamsport and Penn College police co-sponsored "Release the Inner Wildcat in You," a self-defense class, in Penn's Inn on Friday afternoon. Attendees watched a video, learned defensive moves from Officer Catherine J. Farr, took part in a raffle for T-shirts and self-defense tools, and participated in a question-and-answer session. A second session is scheduled for 4 p.m. Friday, Nov. 6; email CWOW to reserve a spot.
Photos by Dalaney T. Vartenisian, student photographer