Penn College News

'Show Shuttle' to Transport Theatergoers to CAC Performances

Friday, September 25, 2015

Seven-foot flags mark stops for CAC's Show ShuttleThe Community Arts Center and River Valley Transit have partnered to offer complimentary shuttle service for the 2015-16 CAC and Williamsport Symphony Orchestra seasons. Beginning an hour and 45 minutes prior to each performance, two buses will make five loops in a 15-minute window from downtown parking lots and garages to local dining establishments – with the Arts Center as final destination. The West Route will include three stops at Penn College: Le Jeune Chef Restaurant, Hagan Way and Park Street, and West Third and Park streets. (Shuttle map)

“Not only is this an opportunity to park, ride, dine, and take in a show at the Community Arts Center, but it also gives the community easy access to over 1,000 parking spaces and college students an easy on campus shuttle to the show,” said William E. Nichols, Jr. general manager of River Valley Transit.  No bus ticket is needed.

Patrons can park at one of the lots or garages, get a lift to a local restaurant, then pick up the "Show Shuttle" again to get to the theater on time! After each show, the shuttle buses will take patrons safely back to their origin in two loops. The first loop will begin 10 minutes after the show, while the second will begin 30 minutes afterward. The service will kick off with the CAC’s first show of the season: Lee Brice on Thursday, Oct. 1.

“I am very excited about this new collaboration,” said Carla Fisher, director of marketing. “This is just one more way the Arts Center can continue our mission and vision of putting the ‘community’ in the Community Arts Center by offering to literally bring the community to the front door of the theater.”

The endeavor is sponsored by the two colleges, Williamsport Parking Authority and the WSO, in collaboration with the Arts Center and transit service.