Penn College News

'Sex-Ed Boot Camp' Creators Handle Tough Questions With Ease

Friday, August 28, 2015

Joni Frater shares key concepts of healthy relationships.Carl L. Shaner, director of College Health Services, takes aim with a T-shirt gun ...... with no shortage of willing recipients in the audience.A student helps himself to educational material and other giveaways outside the auditorium.Esther Lastique engages the capacity crowd.Authors and sexologists Joni Frater and Esther Lastique brought their entertaining and educational "Sex-Ed Boot Camp" back to Penn College on Wednesday night, meeting students' curiosity with candid answers to often-difficult questions. Annual visitors during the start of fall classes, the duo was greeted with a standing-room-only turnout in the Klump Academic Center Auditorium.
Photos by Dalaney T. Vartenisian, student photographer