Penn College News

State Cabinet Officials Tour Campus on 'Jobs' Visit

Monday, July 13, 2015

With campus beauty all around, including the "Student Bodies" art installation spanning the campus mall, the group takes a shady stroll north from the ATHS.Stopping by the dental hygiene labPenn College President Davie Jane Gilmour (left) walks with Secretary Manderino and others alongside the robotic welding stations.Michael K. Patterson, a member of the college's welding faculty, scores a hit with his impressive work-in-progress: a larger-than-life baseball glove, complete with welded metal strands to simulate stitching.Secretary Davin, at the podiumTwo cabinet secretaries from Gov. Tom Wolf's administration continued the "Jobs That Pay" tour in a Monday visit to Penn College, where they focused on workforce development and employer-training initiatives within the governor's proposed 2015-16 budget for the commonwealth. Department of Community and Economic Development Secretary Dennis M. Davin and Department of Labor & Industry Secretary Kathy M. Manderino toured the college's dental hygiene and welding labs, instructional areas that could benefit from a proposed increase in state appropriation. A press conference followed in the welding lab.