Penn College News

Video Crew Visits Plastics Labs in Advance of International Trade Show

Tuesday, February 10, 2015

Dave Pinskey (center) and Mike Lomma prep for an interview with Brittany L. Delmo, a plastics and polymer engineering technology major from Milford, about why she chose Penn College.Before the camera rolls, producer Nell Abom conducts a pre-interview with plastics and polymer engineering technology student Cody J. Fisher, of Blandon.Christopher J. Gagliano (left), the PIRC's program and technical service manager, leads a tour for the day's guests.Seth E. Cook (above) and Heith A. Hicks – students of Timothy E. Weston, associate professor of plastics and polymer engineering technology and department head – are filmed during a practical exercise in the injection molding lab. Cook, of Mountville, is pursuing a bachelor's degree in plastics and polymer engineering technology; Hicks, of Williamsport, is enrolled in the two-year plastics and polymer technology major.Kirk M. Cantor, professor of plastics and polymer technology, coolly awaits his opportunity to discuss the industry-relevant research, development and education available in the college's plastics labs.A production team from Harrisburg spent much of Tuesday in Penn College's plastics laboratories, preparing for a brief video that will be shown at NPE: The International Plastics Showcase from March 23-27 in Orlando, Fla. Gathering footage and conducting interviews for the Team Pennsylvania Pavilion in the Orange County Convention Center were Nell Abom, a communications consultant working with the state Department of Community and Economic Development, and Commonwealth Media Services' Mike Lomma, director of videography, and Dave Pinskey, audio engineer. The three-person crew toured labs in each of five featured processes (injection molding, extrusion, blow molding, rotational molding and thermoforming) and talked with students, faculty and Plastics Innovation & Resource Center Director C. Hank White about the hands-on education offered both on the curricular side and in helping the industry remain competitive. Penn College is one of only five colleges in the nation offering degree programs in plastics accredited by the Engineering Technology Accreditation Commission of ABET, and boasts unique National Centers of Excellence in rotational molding and thermoforming – distinctions that will be highlighted in the video, as well.