Poet Wields Words to Redefine Himself, Change Others' Attitudes
Wednesday, January 21, 2015
Observing Martin Luther King Jr. Day with an appearance at Penn College, a celebrated poet, memoirist and teacher enlisted fervent voices for a national dialogue about racism and other manifestations of hatred. Jason Carney was Monday night's featured speaker in the Klump Academic Center Auditorium, continuing the campus's involvement in Dream Week activities. Interweaving a multigenerational story about the roots of prejudice with powerful poetry that showed his redemption as a cycle-breaking activist for change, the former skinhead encouraged his audience to rise above crippling apathy and divisive language. The week's events also included a Day of Service, a faculty/staff writing workshop with Carney and a community discussion of nonviolence and inclusiveness.
Photos by Dalaney T. Vartenisian, student photographer
Photos by Dalaney T. Vartenisian, student photographer