Penn College News

'Digital Futures Camp' Offers Fun and Games ... With Purpose

Wednesday, June 25, 2014

Campers design logos in the Mac lab.Participants get game-creation guidance from Spyke M. Krepshaw, instructor of computer information technology, and Anita R. Wood, assistant professor of computer information technology ...... and Adobe Illustrator pointers from Nicholas L. Stephenson, graphic design instructor.Already a tradition after only three years: the donning of camp T-shirts for an "official" group photoCollege's abundance of technology showcased during lab-based workshopsPenn College’s third annual "Designing a Digital Future Camp" introduced dozens of high school students to an enticing two-day menu of career-based workshops this week. The campers – rising sophomores, juniors and seniors – learned about employment opportunities during eight sessions (four each) in gaming and web and interactive media; developed personal computer games and mobile applications; networked with faculty, staff and students; and got a slice of campus life during an overnight stay in college housing. The event, which has attracted capacity crowds since its debut in 2012, culminated in a gaming tournament Wednesday afternoon.
Photos by Dalaney T. Vartenisian, student photographer