Penn College News

'Mocktail' Competition Among Highlights of Spring Break Send-Off

Tuesday, March 4, 2014

Mix-Off contestants Tiffany A. Edwards, a culinary arts technology major from Athens (left), and Alivia L. Bollock. a hospitality management student from Gaines, sample the Mardi Gras treats before the mock cocktail competition.Hospitality management student Patrick N. Goldy, of Williamsport (left), and culinary arts and systems major Christopher S. Kasler, of Kendall Park, N.J., show off their winnng “mocktail,” an energy drink/cranberry juice martini they dub the "Maroon Dragon."Ashley Forestal, a graduate intern at the Counseling Center (right), judges the "Bourbon Street Bruiser" concocted by culinary arts and systems major Colleen S. Masteller, of Williamsport, and John A. Keefer, a culinary arts technology student from Bath."The 14th Annual Happy Hours, Mardi Gras-Style!" held Tuesday in Penn's Inn got students in the mood for a stress-free (and problem-free) Spring Break. In addition to comprehensive information about travel smarts and safe behavior, there were free "Fat Tuesday"-inspired food and refreshments, music, prizes – and the traditional nonalcoholic "mix-off" competition. Student-concocted "mocktails" were judged and sampled at the event, which was hosted by counselor Michael S. DiPalma. The evening was co-sponsored by Counseling Services, the Student Activities Office, College Health Services, Dining Services and the School of Business & Hospitality.
Photos by Craig R. Urey, student photographer