Penn College News

Basketball 'Gold Out' Advances THON's Fight Against Cancer

Monday, January 27, 2014

A seven-point scorer on the evening, Marquis M. Delgado, of Mansfield, hits his mark in first-half action.The college mascot applauds its fellow Wildcats.In gold sneakers befitting the evening's theme, Robert F. Beckett III, of Belfast, N.Y., cheers his teammates during starters' introductions.Fans line up for halftime fun, paying $1 each for the chance to sink a midcourt shot and quintuple their money.Fans were urged to dress appropriately for Monday’s "Gold Out" men's basketball game against Penn State Lehigh Valley, a shimmering sign of solidarity against pediatric cancer. Attendees could pay a dollar to take a half-court shot at halftime. Anyone who made it won $5, with all proceeds going toward Penn College Benefiting THON. Donations for the college organization (affiliated with Penn State’s longtime student charity) were solicited; interested donors can also visit the THON Web page, click “Donate Now” and select Penn College as their organization of choice.