Penn College News

Former Collegiate Wrestler Advocates All-Inclusive Athletic Arena

Thursday, January 23, 2014

Alongside his nonprofit's logo, Hudson Taylor spreads his message of allyship.A former Division I All-American wrestler from the University of Maryland addressed Penn College students and student-athletes Wednesday night, speaking about allyship in athletics and creating a welcoming environment that accepts everyone. From the Klump Academic Center Auditorium stage, Hudson Taylor spoke of his experiences as a collegiate athlete and his recognition of how negative the athletic atmosphere was toward the LGBT community. He has since dedicated his life to becoming an ally and fighter for social change. Taylor is the founder of Athlete Ally, a nonprofit organization focused on ending homophobia and transphobia in sports by educating allies in the athletic community and empowering straight and LGBT members of the professional and collegiate athletic communities to create a safe and welcoming athletic environment. The organization collaborates with tens of thousands of professional, amateur and collegiate athletes to spread the message of allyship.
Photo by Jami L. Hughes, coordinator of intercollegiate athletics and sports information